August 16, 2003

What a crazy week!!

Wow...this week exhausted me. From the MSBlaster.exe worm that hit us on Wednesday to the power outage on Thursday to the fact that I still don't have email (at least not on

Also, I'm having trouble with the bike I bought on eBay. Actually, no trouble with the bike yet, because I don't HAVE the bike yet. The guy charged me $80 for next-day shipping on my bike, well, he just gave me the tracking number this AM (he said it took a week for my check to clear...whatever), I checked Airborne's website with the tracking # and it said it was shipped "ground." Sooooo...using the info from my tracking # (zip codes, weight, # of pieces, etc...) I used the Airborne Rate Calculator to find out what it cost him to ship it to me ground.'s a BIG cost him $14.09!! I've been screwed out of $65!! Might be time to get Carlson and take a road trip to Sturgeon Bay, WI to "right" the situation. ;-)

I haven't slept well this week either. In fact, I've woken up at 4AM just about every morning. Most days I've gotten back to sleep, but Wed night and Thurs night I just couldn't fall back to sleep.

It's hot today. I don't like hot. I think I'll go to the mall or something. I haven't been to the mall in ages. Or maybe a Best Buy/Thackeray's/Barnes&Noble trip would be good.


Hey Cheryl! Call me, OK? We got a new mailserver all set up and it's running now. DAMN blackout! Anyhow...I need to set your password to something and I can't find your guys' new phone #. The new webmail is really sweet! WAY better!

G, I will go to WI with you if you want, but give me a few days to recoup, heh? I just got back from a two day stint at Six Flags and I am not in the mood to drive right away.

Though I could go for smacking someone around...