August 12, 2003

Happy Blogiversary!!!

Well, I missed it by a couple of days, but my blog is one year old now. First post was on August 9, 2002. This will be the 237th entry, and there have been 315 comments posted. Fascinating...

Maybe I'll see about sprucing it up a little bit here in the next week or so...lots of plugins for MT that I haven't had time to mess with.

Thanks to all of those who stop by to read...but I think I'd do this even if it was just me. (and sometimes I think it is...LOL)


Congrats! It's only been up a year? How did you go blog-less for so long? Mine will be 3 years old in's a lot

And I know what you mean about "blogging" for just you-- it's a good way to keep a little self-history.