May 08, 2003


Well, I have my CT scan tomorrow at 4 at St. Charles. From 10 AM on, I can only have clear liquids and then at 2 I get to drink the half-quart of barium contrast stuff.

I told my mom what's going on tonight. She took things very well. I expected her to be a little more nervous/excited about the news, but she wasn't. That's good.

I dunno what's going on inside my gut...but I hope they find out. Maybe I can get the films and get them online somehow. Sweeeeeeet.


mmmmmmmmm Barium shakes and videos of your innards! Sounds like a party to me!

Does a pale ale count as a clear liquid?

Keep us updated on the status of your belly....we're a concerned public...all 7 of us...

Keep me posted G!

If they do XRays too: tape some keys, oven handle, a ring and anything else metal to the inside of your smock! It'll freak them out when they develop them.

At least make the guy with the scope take you to dinner and a movie first! Don't be too "easy"! Make him work for it! :-)