May 07, 2003


Well, Ravi was concerned. Not usually a great thing when your doctor is concerned, but it's better than having him send me to the ER or something. He ordered a CT scan of my abdomen w/contrast. Mmmmmmmmmm...contrast. THEN we get to do the colonoscopy. Joy joy joy.

Right now I'm fasting. I have to fast b/c I have bloodwork done tomorrow. For those of you who don't know, I do NOT do needles well. I've gotten a little better since I started giving Maryellen a shot every week for her MS...but I still don't do needles well. It's not the pain of it going in, b/c that really doesn't hurt much, it's once it's in there...and you KNOW it's in there...and they're hooking up that vacu-tainer thing and popping it off and popping on another one...I get queasy just thinking about it.

So, that's what I know. I hurt quite a bit more now that "Dr. Narra" poked and prodded, but I'm a little less nervous I guess. Oh...and my blood pressure sucks big time. But we already knew that. He wants to medicate me for that, but only after we figure out what's going on in my lower right quadrant.

I'm hungry.


Good Luck on that bloodwork stuff - Just finished mine, and it wasn't TOO bad, but I know Exactly how you feel - especially when they've got a screaming child in the next room - You'll do Fine Buddy.

aw geez....that whole needle-vacu-tainer paragraph 'bout made me pass out....I HATE that... I usually try to act all cool and look around like I'm uninterested....then I see from the corner of my eye the container filling up with blood gushing from my body, I can't even think about it....

I wonder if you can make some .avi's of your colonoscopy...wouldn't those make for great afternoon viewing?