December 02, 2004

Boo Bees

Ok. I'm not a "boob man" per se... I prefer faces, eyes, smiles, etc... so why am I posting about boobs?? Well, because I happened upon this pretty unique boob site. Check out Breast Pals.

This lady "paints" with her boobs. They're actually pretty cute (the paintings, that is...) and she's donating 50% of her profits to the Susan G. Komen Foundation and the National Breast Cancer Coalition.

And no, I wasn't surfing for boobs when I found this... It was a link in a newsletter I get. REALLY!! ;-)

And on a totally unrelated note, here's Nora saluting! :-)

That picture just makes me smile.


Just wanted to let you know that SDS is still around in Oxford, though many students think of it as "Shit Delivered Slowly" rather than "Student Delivery Service" or whatever it actually stands for. Thanks for stopping by my LiveJournal!
