December 11, 2003


Well, I have the flu. It sucks. I stayed home from work today, slept for about 20 out of the past 24 hours, ache everywhere, cough, chills, all that crap. UGH.

I'll try to go to work tomorrow, but if I don't feel better in the AM, I doubt I'll make it. These things usually don't keep me down for too long though.

Gonna go do a shot of NyQuil and pass out again. Word.


Hi there sicky Grant! Sucks that you've got the flu - hope you feel better fast! One nice thing about the military, we get our flu shots for free, and, knock on wood, I haven't caught anything so far. Lotsa chicken soup for you!

You too huh? I had it last week. You should be over it now, though, right?