September 01, 2003

Well, that didn't work...

Well, I just tried to install RedHat 9 on a different hard drive in this box and then migrate all the web stuff over from the original disk. I know I can do that...I just ran out of time I think and didn't want to leave the server down overnight. Oh well. I did pop an extra 64MB of ram in the box while I had it open and also a 2X2X8 CD-RW drive I found. Oooooooooh...speed! Now I can do some backups to disk though instead of across the network.

Next long weekend, I'll have to re-try the whole project.

My truck is back among the living. It was only the fuel filter (which is what I originally thought it was). So that's a $100 fix as opposed to a $400 + fix for a new clutch. That's cool. Now I can take my time getting my new car. According to the latest, the car I want will have more horsepower and torque for 2004, so I think I'll hold out till the new model year rolls in.

Unlike Kris, I haven't gotten a haircut in a long time. I'm due for one, but I think I'll handle things myself again after reading her experience.


Uhm, I'm thinking a mullet revival is in the works...

I'm with ya sister... Long live the mullet!

I'd try to grow mine back, if it would grow...