September 07, 2003

Lots of fun!

We had a fun weekend. It was kind of our anniversary celebration. Our 9th anniversary will be on the 10th, so we used the weekend to have some fun! Did the annual visit to the Black Swamp Arts Festival. It was bigger and better than ever! Then we listened to the BG upset of Purdue!!! Then we went back to BG for a couple of concerts. We met Ed and Margie for the NRBQ concert, and then hung around afterwards to catch the Tom-Tom group. Between concerts we walked around BG and ran into a BUNCH of people we knew!

One of the peeps I saw was Stephen Jenkins, a former co-worker at CISP. He's working on his masters and has PhD aspirations. He's got a webhosting/services company going too. Pretty sweet!

Anyone know a good java based chat server that provides moderated chat at a reasonable price?? I need something permanent to host moderated chats with coaches and players and the like on


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