July 23, 2003

Some good news!!

Well, Glasstech made me an offer and I accepted today. :-) Yay! I'm an official full-time permanent employee now. I'm making more $ than I ever have and the benefits are pretty good too! Tomorrow I have to go to MCO and get a physical/drug test/blood test, then I'll officially start on Monday. As good as it feels to have that stability back, it felt even better hearing the responses of my users who were just THRILLED that I'll be staying onboard. All in all, very good news for the Elmore Cummings'.

My bosses took me out to lunch at the Stone Oak Country Club. Kinda funny as a the former CEO of a former employer has a home there that we looked out at from the clubhouse. Just ironic. Black fly....chardonnay....you know.

In other news...well, there's not much other news right now. I'll be looking for a car shortly. The truck will have 165,000 miles on it real soon...it's time.


Congrats G! It is so cool when a company sees the value in an employee such as yourself, one that will work tirelessly for the customer, and one who takes pride in doing a good job, and hires you in at full time. Good for you!!

By the way, can you get me a job?

Congratulations Grant! It is very well-deserved, and I'm glad that they realize what a gem of an employee they have in you! Go out, celebrate, and buy that new vehicle!!!

Congrats, G...stability is somewhat a relief, eh?...

165k? Like a rock, man, like a rock...

Thanks y'all!! I'm pretty pleased with the situation. The truck is going to be hard to get rid of. You get attached to something after 9 years ya know? I've had it longer than I've had my wife!