July 27, 2003

I love this shirt!!!

I bought a shirt at Kohl's on Friday evening and I just love it!! It's orange and rayon. This is it through the vanity mirror of my truck.


That's crazy G, that looks just like a shirt I used to have... in 1982.

And now you find yourself in '82
The disco hot-spots hold no charm for you
You can't concern yourself with bigger things
You catch the pearl and ride the dragon's wings

You'd wear it now if you could...you know you would. ;-)

True, I do. But only if I could wear my white casual pants and black Vans. That way, without the coat, I would still look like Crockett from Miami Vice.

That and cuz Tubbs also over-dressed for the occasion. And after all.. it was Crockett who had the boat and the car.