December 17, 2002

This will only make sense to some...

It's the old CISP girl!!!


Hah, that brings back memories.

Speaking of CISP, I had a package for Mark Wittenmyer come across my desk today at work.

Did you poop on it?

I'm sure that she never wanted to be referred to as 'hellhole girl'. I'll bet that never shows up on her resume, just like it'll never be on mine again. I just have a 364 day hole on mine.

She's pretty popular, I've seen her on a couple of other sites too. Can't think of them right now though... I wonder if CISP ever paid her, or someone, for using that image??? She's like that blonde broad with the headset on the cover of EVERY mail order computer catalog.


I too have seen her on a couple of other sites, maybe at or in their customer service area. Now to answer the question of whether she got paid by CISP... did anyone that is or was owed a fair amount of cash, above and beyond normal salary, ever get paid by CISP?

Before you say too much, I am thinking Brian K. and Todd M. would love to find out that at least someone got paid. Lord (and everyone else) knows they never did...

The thought crossed my mind momentarily of doing something to the package, but right now it's too busy at work to think about anything like that for more than a few seconds.

I can't wait till the holidays are over, bah!

I'm 90% positive that I remember seeing that picture on a clip art CD, I think we have it at work... I know I've seen her on other sites.

I think they've paid some people, Satan and his wife have probably gotten some cash out of the company. Mark probably got some too.

Maybe the 5 mile sniper will be out watching with Maggie...