December 05, 2002

Karma??? I think NOT! night I went to the BG basketball game tonight. Game was great...I just love basketball games at BG. Driving home, I'm tooling along the back roads and as I pass Pemberville on Sugar Ridge road, I notice a big pickup truck in the ditch. I slow way down and roll my window down to yell hello and make sure there wasn't someone still in the truck. There wasn't, so I headed towards home. About a quarter mile further, there a guy walking down the road, no coat, mind you, and it's about 15 degrees out. I stop and ask him if he needs a phone or a ride into town. He accepts my offer and I take him into Pemberville.

When I ask him (his name was Rocky) where he wants dropped, he tells me he's got 20 bucks if I'll take him home to Bradner. I grudgingly say OK, because Bradner is only a few miles away. On our way there it becomes evident that the guy is pretty drunk...and probably a little high too, he said he's afraid the cops will find his truck and find the joints in it and he'll be busted. Whatever...

I get him to Bradner and drop him off...he thanks me and I tell him to keep his money (ain't I a nice guy??). There was a lot of chit-chat on the ride to Bradner, I think he asked me 6 times where I lived, LOL.

So, I head out of Bradner and realize I haven't a freaking clue where I'm at. I drive in the general direction I think I should be driving in, and find myself surrounded by the lovely empty farmland that is NorthWest Ohio. Probably 20 minutes passes before I see a familiar road, SR 199. I get on it and promptly head the wrong way. Gotta love my sense of direction. When I see the sign that says Fostoria 15 miles...I realize I'm going the wrong way and turn around. I find Rt. 6 and finally end up back in Bowling Green where I get my bearings right and start the drive home all over again.

So how come I did something nice for someone...helped out my fellow man in need, and ended up getting lost and taking an extra hour to get home?!?! Come on karma!!!! Where the heck are ya?!?!


Man, that's a little scary. Glad you're ok.

Have patience. Karma never pays back immediately. Takes your whole life ;)

It wasn't really scary...guess in hindsight it could have been, but it wasn't. And I know Karma takes time...wasn't that a Mariah Carey song?

Actually it has nothing to do with karma. God appreciated that you picked up a stranger and risked your own health to help someone in need. But you ticked him off when you aided in his drunken and drug induced antics by giving him a ride from the scene of a crime. Obiously, from what you say, a drunk driving accident.

Therefore God punished you by sending you the wrong way to think about what you had done wrong, as well as make you repeat the drive home. As if to say "If you had it all to do over again..."

Of course that is the old school Catholic in me. The new me says you helped a person because you in fact are a good person and do unto others as you wish... anyway, good for you. The world needs more people that will stop and take an active part in life, rather than standing by on the side lines.


You're up early! :-)

I like your Catholic analisys. I think he'd have passed a breath-test he wasn't that drunk really. I'd do it all the same way next time...except I'd turn RIGHT on that one road dammit!