December 24, 2002

Getting closer!!

Christmas eve...

Working a half day today, then trying to hit Media Play for that last minute gift cert for a certain doctor friend.

We're supposed to get 5 - 8" of snow tonight (which in Ohio weather caster speak means 1 - 2"), but I'm excited for a white Christmas!!!

Tonight we'll go to the service at church...should be really nice. We have a choir director who can sing so beautifully, and she's going to sing my favorite Christmas song, O Holy Night!

Mom is coming over for our family Christmas this afternoon, then church, then Maryellen and I will open our presents tomorrow AM with the doggie and then it's on to Grandma's house.

Merry Christmas everyone!! (Miss you dad...)


I miss him too. Well, my dad that is.

I'm also looking forward to the snow, although I'll be driving to Cleveland tomorrow morning so hopefully it's not too bad.

And hopefully you're hooking me up with what we disussed the other day reguarding the singing.


Have a Merry Christmas M-Dawg and G, everyone else who reads this too.