November 22, 2002

Testing a new little utility...

This is being posted from a desktop application that runs under Windows and connects to my blog called w.bloggar. It looks pretty damn slick actually, and has all kinds of nice little text editing tools!! There are several other ones out there that I'm going to try...

Work today has been relatively eventful. Starting at about 9:30 AM, half of our office lost power (which includes about half of our servers). So Mike and I ran round and plugged the UPSs that were in bad outlets into good outlets. The server area was actually designed with three separate power drops, each on a different phase for this reason. About 2 hours into the partial outage, all power went down, so we downed all non-essential servers and equipment, leaving only our CSU/DSU, the Cisco2600, a hub and our main Linux server (clients' mail and websites). These were all powered by our biggest UPS which kept us up and online for the duration of the hour long outage!

Most of the snow has already melted away here in Toledo. :-( I wanted to go home and make snow angels too.



That was the view driving in this AM. :-)


The full size images are better...but they're pretty huge...just click above for 1024X768 versions.


thems some purdy pit-chers, G!