November 21, 2002

I'm done being an optimist

I'm getting really SICK of getting my hopes up for something...and then having them crash down around me. It's not good for my mental state and it's just general bullshit. I'm beginning to see that pretty much the world sucks and thinking otherwise is fruitless.


Yeah, it can definately be rough. I think I know what would cheer you up though.

I think you know...

The squads of cheerleaders that were here today :>

hmmmmm... cheerleaders.

G would make a comment but he is looking for more Kleenex to finish cleaning up...

Aww, don't have to stop being an optimist-- you can optimistically be a pessimist...

I can't believe I just read that. What would T.B. say???? Ball of Energy Grant... Ball of Energy... Maybe you need to take some time and recharge your batteries this weekend.