March 21, 2005

Movin' on up...

Well, Maryellen and I have decided to relocate. I'm not sure when it will happen, but we want to get out of NW Ohio. I used to cling to the fact that I needed to be here for my mom, but with Ron in her life, that's no longer an issue... and I used to cling to the fact that I had a great job that I liked a lot, but recently, that's changed too... I still like my job at Glasstech but have realized that there's really nowhere I can go as far as advancement. Do I want to be doing the exact same thing 5 years from now that I'm doing today?? SO... I spent a long weekend preparing my resume and looking for work in the Pacific Northwest. It's weird to think about leaving this area... but exciting too.

I haven't decided what to do with yet. It could be quite a money-maker for someone... that someone isn't me though. I may sell it, or I may just hold on to it... but I've been pretty disillusioned with the conduct of people on that site recently anyhow...

Ahhh, the winds of change are a blowin'. Anyone want to buy a website?


Oh man, I feel, gee, I don't know how I feel - I mean, I don't hardly ever see you guys, but it's nice knowing you're close. Well, no matter what, I support you two all the way, and a good way to look at is that now I'll have a new place to visit - can you say houseguest ;-)

I can understand where you're coming from, Grant. I hope you decide to hang on to it. Perhaps you should make you frustrations known to the general population of the site.

Pacific NW, eh? Is this so you can attend the Boise game? ;-)

Wish you all the best, as always. Let me know if I can help.

Hey, G, pick me up on your way out West!

Your roots may be in Ohio, but that doesn't mean you have to stay planted. :)

Oh, man, that rocks! I am very pleasantly surprised you've decided to come out to the West Coast. Think about the Bay Area, too, while you're thinking of places to move to.

Wow G, very surprising. But a good thing I think. The Pacific Northwest, but what about the northeast? I never thought I'd love Boston as much as I do. OW.

G can you adopt a family of 3 ;-) I say if you have the chance to move, go for it! Those of us here know the career options for I.T. folks are slim to none :-(

I too look forward to being able to hold some steady work long enough to get some funds saved up and get the heck outta here or else I need to change my career soon.

Ed, Todd, Kris, now you.... guess me and SMC will be the only ones holding the fort down for a bit.

Good luck to you and Maryellen, no matter where you end up. I hope and pray that you find jobs that will offer you both the freedom and economics that you require.

But beore you go, we need to do lunch one more time. Pick three dates, no less than 30 days apart, and we'll set something up. I figure if you and I have plans for three seperate lunches, odds are better that you will show up for one of them ;)

Moving?!?!?!? Well I say, good for you! But who's calves am I going to oogle over during a massage now?!?!?

WOW! And believe me that is an understatement. I just picked myself up off the floor. I guess I should have seen it coming with all the great photos and descriptions of your trip out there, but WOW! If anyone can just DO IT, you can. Maybe you will be so homesick that you will want to invite even friends who are used to be co-workers to come and visit? Is the soil out there good for growing peppers? You can't be giving that up too...Can you? Really, I wish you the best of everything as always!

Wonderful work. I enjoyed read your site a lot.
