March 06, 2005

Happy birthday to me...

Well, today I turn 35 years old. Hard to beleive really. 35 is kind of the age I remember thinking about when I was little, as in "wow... when I'm 35, it'll be the year 2005!!!!" and sure enough, the old calendar held true.

Had a really nice day yesterday, since Maryellen works today. Went to the doctor yesterday AM, then came back and did a little work from home. Then to BG for a pitiful basketball game (third senior night in a row that BG has lost... pathetic) after the game, we went to church and then on to dinner at my very favorite place ever in the whole wide world... Tandoor. It was great!! Chicken Makhani VERY spicy, please. And it WAS. It was at my limits of spicyness, right where I wanted it. The food was delicious AND gave me that endorphine rush you get from eating something that spicy. PLUS, Ravinder, my favorite waitress in the whole-wide-world, hooked me up with some rice pudding and gulab jamun for birthday dessert. She's a sweetie!

Came home then and Maryellen gave me my gift bag-o-goodies. And what goodies they were!! I got a humongous coffee mug, some yummies to eat and a 20GB iPod! WOO HOO!!!!! I dumped all the tunes from my powerbook onto it this AM and I've still got 17 gigs free! WHEE!! Today I'll be popping CD's in and out of this thing like there's no tomorrow.

Today, I'm going to work some more, maybe get out of the house and run into Barnes and Noble or something... not 100% sure what to do. We need some groceries too, so that will probably be incorporated into the trip.


Happy Birthday to Eddo and Jeff Greene too!!


Happy Birthday G!

I can't wait to get my Mac. I love my sister 17" iMac G5 that she just purchased. I think I have used it more than she has. OS X is awesome.

How are you liking the Power Book? I was first looking at the Mac Mini, but have decided I want the G5, so I think I'll be going with the iMac or Power Book myself.

My PowerBook is awesome. I absolutely love it Sam! You've got to get yourself one... but if you wait until second half 2005, the G5's should be out. If you want the G5 power, go with the iMac or just a Mac.

OS X IS awesome!! Panther is amazing, and Tiger (OS X 10.4) will be out later this year too. We should meet up for lunch sometime and I'll bring my PB along!!

Julie Henson says hello, BTW...

All that AND you were named OSU's athletic director? What a weekend!

Happy B-Day, G! But you didn't answer the big question... was it igneous or sedimentary?

Happy Birfday, G! You'll love the iPod, I'm sure. My "DellPod" has proven its worth, and 20G sure holds a whole lotta tunes.

'member drinkin' beer and sucking everything down from Napster on the 2nd floor of the GCI headquarters? Maaaaan, those were the days...

Happy Birthday G!

Now I want a Mac too...

Happy Birthday from far away and just a little bit late - some things never change :-)

You're excused, Laurie. :-) Thanks for the wishes everyone, and Steve, yeah... I was skeptical, but Macs rule!!

Happy birthday, Grant! You gotta love the iPod! I love mine...although, I've had some problems with the iTunes software. Just a heads up! Well see you at the game tonight. GO BG!