August 20, 2004


Tonight we're going to see Diana Krall at the Stranahan in Toledo. I can't wait!! I got really good seats by being a member of her email mailing list. The reserved the first 15 rows for members or something like that, so we'll be in row 12.

I'm thinking once the weather starts to get bad again, maybe I'll blog a little more than I have been. It just seems like I don't sit down at the computer at night much anymore.

I am in the process of evaluating a new laptop purchase though!! I'm REALLY thinking about getting a Mac.


Ohhhh, you lucky lucky boy...You're the one who got me into DK, so I thank you for that. :)

We're getting a Powerbook for the office-- I'm sure I'll have to borrow it for "testing" purposes. They're just so darned purdy...

Buy me one toooooo! I've been more than interested since they've moved to a Linux backend.