November 12, 2003


Man am I tired!! I've been fighting a bit of something the past few days and last night it was at the point where it wouldn't let me sleep, so I got up and watched movies all night. Only got a couple hours of sleep, so I'm pretty much pooped!!

Lots of pretty cool things going on with the website. I've designed T-shirts and will be selling them to members of the site at the BG/Toledo game the day after Thanksgiving. Plus I'm getting a 20X20 tent for that game, we're going to deep fry a couple of turkeys, have a big old vat of chili and a keg of Killian's and it's just going to be an awesome tailgate at what's traditionally the biggest game of the season!

The weather has just been bizarre here today. It was over 60 here this afternoon, and then a bunch of storms rolled through and the temp is dropping FAST! It's very very windy too. Gotta love NW Ohio weather!


Hey, put me down for one of them thar shirts-- I'll give the Falcons some props in the Big O! (and I promise not to wear it with my UT hat...)