October 09, 2003

Meals and Bay-Bees and more pictures

Well, at the prodding of someone, I'm updating this morning...

Had a couple of great meals of late. Not so much the food, but the company has been great! Tuesday evening I met Laurie in Port Clinton. We had a great evening of conversation and food and wine. It's always so nice to catch up, it just sucks that you have to go w/o contact for a while in before you CAN catch up. I also met Coach Dakich at Skyline Chili yesterday. He cracks me up...we just shot the shit really. Not much of substance, but it was fun.

Have you ever noticed how singers kind of take creative license with the word "Baby?" More often than not, they pronounce it "Bay-Bay" and occasionally, it's even "Bee-Bay" (See Seal and Amy Grant). It's Bay-Bee...sheesh.

Heading to Columbus this evening with Ravi for a basketball game. NBA Pre-Season. Former BG player trying to make the Timberwolves, so we're going to go check them out.

There are more Alumni Band photos online now too if anyone is interested in browsing.


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