June 30, 2003

Good weekend!!

Well, it's Monday morning again and it hardly feels like it should be Saturday. The weekend FLEW by, but that's probably because we did fun stuff and were moving around all weekend.

Friday evening we met Ravi at his house and then went to the Parade of Homes in Perrysburg. We do this at least once a year and this was the best collection of homes I've seen in my years of going. There wasn't one of them that I wouldn't have loved to live in! It REALLY got us itching to build too. I hope we can find a piece of land and start building within a year or two. One house in particular was just about perfect in layout and quality...built by Arden Homes. Don't let the price on that page fool you...this house could easily be built for about $225,000 and STILL have bells and whistles that others don't.

A couple of the homes had basement home theatres. Droooooooooooooooool. One in particular had a 110" projection system hooked up to a HDTV receiver. Oh my GOD was it awesome!! For the first time ever I saw Maryellen get excited about something like that. As soon as we got into that basement she said "Oh...I've GOT to have this." :-)

Saturday was work in the yard day...and I ran the first day of my week 3 regimen...felt pretty pooped...

Yesterday then we went to see Peter Gabriel at what used to be Pine Knob north of Detroit. The trip there and back was awful, but the concert was AMAZING!! PG is just a genius...and at 50+ he still runs around and has fun on stage! At one point he got into this 15' high inflatable clear plastic ball and bounced all over the stage. Probably the best "rock" concert I've ever been to! Just a blast.

Interesting demographics at the concert too. Everything from teens on dates to 50 somethings. Had an interesting lesbian couple in front of us who were just ALL OVER each other. Had the fat, pot-smokers to our right...they lit up their doobies about 10 minutes into the concert dude...and we had the clove cigarette smoking guy behind and to our right. Mmmmmmmmm...they smelled SO good!

So, after all of that, I got home and to bed at about 1:30 this morning. I'm dragging tail a little bit, but will survive.


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