April 11, 2003

Hum de dum

Lots going on...much of it private and not bloggable. (if that's not a word...it sure should be)

Work is still great. I'm putting in some overtime tomorrow. Pretty good sign that I'll be sticking around long-term...they've got so much work I can't get it done in 40, so that's cool. The time-and-a-half is pretty nice too!

I'm still caffeine and soda-pop free since Ash Wednesday. It was pretty rough the first few days. I still crave a Diet Pepsi...but that's about it.

I've got the weekend alone this week. I've got some computer work to catch up on for a few friends and the like. A few websites I do work on need some embellishment, so hopefully I can get that done. Plus it's supposed to be nice out, so maybe I can get some things done in the yard and plant the rose bush my aunt and uncle sent for Maryellen's dad's funeral.


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