April 15, 2003

Depression sucks!

I've been down for a while now. I think I've just convinced myself that I'm not. Seriously, it's been years. That sucks. I have moments of fun and happiness, but the majority of the time, I'm just feeling bummed. Not looking for a pity party, just stating a fact.

It's warm in Elmore tonight. It was 85 today and the house still hasn't really cooled down tonight even though I have every window and door open. I don't like being hot. Fans are good.

A friend once wrote me a poem called "Smiling though my tears." I lost it...I hope to get another copy. It was really awesome...moved me to tears. She wrote it for me when my dad died.

My laptop battery came today. Very cool. Completely wireless now. I'd forgotten how nice that is. I can go anywhere in the house, or outdoors for that matter, and be powered up and connected to the network now.

I guess that's it for tonight. I think I'm going to go up and read myself to sleep.

I have to chair a meeting tomorrow at work. Should be interesting. Wish me luck.

The most important word in the vernacular right now? Bling.


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