March 06, 2003

It's my birthday

I'm really not that excited about my b-day this year. Kinda forgot it even WAS until Maryellen said something when I got out of bed this AM. ::shrug:: Oh well.

33 years ago this morning I was born in Gorgas Hospital just outside the Canal Zone in Panama. Here's what it looks like. Kinda cool!

I've always said, there are two places I really want to go in this world, India and Panama. Anyone want to spring for either trip??

Happy birthday to Ed and Jeff too! I'm meeting Ed and some people for lunch today, but Jeff is going to be out of town so he can't join us.

Maryellen greeted me at the door last night with a hot dinner and a pineapple upside-down cake! My favorites!!! Because we're going to a basketball game tonight (my other favorite thing!) Yay!!


Happy Bday Grant! Enjoy the game. See you soon! :-)

Happy Birthday, G! Wow, and to think I've known you since you were my age! ;) Enjoy the day, ol' buddy ol' pal!

Happy B-Day G!