October 09, 2002

Grandma & Beer

Well, it took her 86 years, but yesterday my Grandma Rife had her first taste of beer!! http://www.pepperguy.com/bday

The really cool thing about it was it was some beer I brewed!! Happy birthday Grandma!!

Tomorrow is my mom's birthday too. She'll be turning 60. This doesn't bother her at all, but it makes me feel kind of old. Strange. Happy birthday Mom!!

Today I realized all my comp accounts from when I worked for GlassCity.net are still active! I found that I have 12,000+ messages in my inbox. Several dialup accounts on all kinds of different networks...funny.

Laurie is back from Qatar. I'm SO glad she's back before we begin any campaign against Iraq.

I think tomorrow I go to Weston again. That's cool, because I come back through BG where there's always something good to look at. :-)

Anyone know why IE doesn't hold onto the favicon.ico for more than a session or two? I've been using Netscape 7 for a week or two and really like it. I think it's cool that it actually uses favicon.ico the way it's supposed to be used and displayed! Netscape has a cool tabbed interface too...makes it a little easier to have multiple sites open.

Guess that's it for now. I have ideas for some posts, but I always forget them when the time comes. OH!! I got some sweet music composition software today...one step closer to writing my song!!

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Cool, Granny! Hey, she's pretty foxy for 86!
Did she get her buzz on, G?

Doesn't she look awesome for her age?!?! She is really amazing...

No buzz...just a couple of sips. Next time, it's moonshine!! LOL

ComCore sent me an email stating they did an audit and noticed I was not paying for service and they would appreciate me filling out a Billing Info screen with a credit card. I ignored it and a few weeks later I had no Dial-Up. Guess I'll have to check the email!

G-DWAG hooked me up with the eddo@glasscity.net account again. Although I probably could just get it from Jake as he hooks me up with some free bandwidth anyways :) It's not like there isn't tons to spare in that building.