October 15, 2002

Good hosting company!

I'm going with www.barefooting.com for the new location for ay-ziggy-zoomba.com. I've got to say, if you want good service, check them out. They've been nothing but awesome as far as helping me out, giving me shell access if I need it, you get 500MB space, php, mysql database, email, webmail, you name it for $9.95/month. And the three guys that run it are really cool!! If you're looking, check them out!

I have GOT to move AZZ.com soon...maybe this week. I can't have the downtime I had yesterday. I'm the only fan site for a top 25 football team. LOL...it's funny, but that's actually a LOT of responsibilty! I've logged hits from the NYTimes, Sports Illustrated, ESPN offices and all kinds of news media looking for info on the BGSU Falcons! That's pretty cool!! I can't complain about the downtime really though, because my site has been hosted for free for how long now? CISP doesn't even know it's there I'm sure (well, K-Large does). I just need one more good backup (tonight) and then I'll shut the forums down and move the site.

May have another job prospect that doesn't require the commute from hell. We'll see what happens with that.

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Hey another good service to check out is www.webaxxs.net - thats where samboni.com is hosted. They offer lots of goodies! They are a reseller for the big dog OLM-Host (olm.net)

Just my 1 comment worth!