August 19, 2002

Pretty good weekend.

The weekend was pretty good. My Grandma had surgery to repair her Zenkers Diverticuli on Friday and she came through that with flying colors!! Unfortunately, we learned yesterday that the surgery may not have been as successful as they had originally led us to believe :( They actually want Grandma to undergo another surgery. She'll be 85 in October and has never been anything but really healthy, but she's kind of discouraged about having MORE surgery to fix something that they said the first surgery would fix. So she's going to come home today (supposedly) and think things over for a week or two before deciding what to do about the second surgery.

The rest of the weekend was good too. Maryellen and I went to the zoo for the first time in a long while. The free flight bird show was really impressive! We really liked was cool to have the big birds flying over head. It was kind of warm though. Then we chowed at Spaghetti Warehouse before heading to St. V's to see Grandma.

But now it's back to work....yippee. See my enthusiasm???


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