
Wednesday 13 October 2004

  • Migraine, your graine... - Well, I'm home sick today. I watched the baseball game last night and something was kind of naggingly annoying...a little white spot in my vision that kind of twinkled... I thought nothing of it and went to bed. Then I...

Tuesday 15 June 2004

  • More fame for Moss! - Congrats to Moss whose Henry's Hunan website made the San Francisco Chronicle's Best of the Year!!...

Sunday 10 August 2003

  • YUM!! - We found a new Indian restaurant last night. It's on Central Ave...way out towards Sylvania. In what used to be "Mecca" restaurant. They had only been open a few days so we went for supper last night. It's called Indian...

Monday 19 May 2003

Thursday 28 November 2002

  • Moss' restaurant thingie.... - Here's Moss' webpage for the Henry Hunan restaurant thingie I mentioned earlier. It's quite fun....

Monday 7 October 2002

  • Stood up... - Well, since I got stood up for lunch today by Ed and Chad, I strolled around a little bit. Malls pretty much suck. Amazing collection of people to look at though. There's this one guy at Franklin Park who is...

Sunday 25 August 2002

  • Why the spark!! - Click here to understand why those WintOGreen Lifesavers spark when you crunch them!!...

Friday 23 August 2002

  • A confession.... - I'm addicted to Wint-O-Green Life Savers!!!...

Wednesday 21 August 2002

Tuesday 13 August 2002

  • Oh...I almost forgot - I made the best dinner tonight. Took an onion and a tomato out of the garden, got 3 pita bread circle things, put them on a pizza plate, put some of my home-made pizza sauce on them, a slice of...

Friday 9 August 2002

  • Tomorrow - Well, it turns out that tomorrow it's not going to be just Dorie, but Sue as well. I'll be entertaining 3 beautiful nurses. I'm going to make home-made pizza for them, we'll have beer and some booze as well. Should...