January 30, 2003

Sammy...dogs...and an anniversary

I heard a disturbing thing on the way in this AM. I was listening to "Special X" on XM channel 30 and they played Sammy Davis Jr. singing the "All in the Family" theme song. Very VERY strange!!

I'm reading a great little book. If any of you are dog lovers this is a must!! It's called A Dog Year and it just awesome thus far (I read about half of it last night). About a guy, his two labs, and a "problem" border collie he adopts. Very cool testament to the communication between man and dog.

Not much else to talk about...I'm burnt out by the whole father-in-law thing. I can't IMAGINE what it's like for Maryellen and Karen. I'm to the point now though where I just don't feel like talking about it, ya know?

One year ago today I quit my job as Operations Manager for Airpath Wireless. A very strange and difficult time in my life. That decision though...it made me feel better so I've got no regrets!

Oh yeah...and it's pretty damn cool that the girl from Toledo on American Idol who got almost NO press in this town, made it through to the round of 32!! She's a real cute girl, works as a waitress at J. Alexander's here about a block from where I work. She really sings great and has an awesome look! I think she's got a chance. It's funny though, leading up to this new season of American Idol, the boy from Perrysburg who made it through the first round got all the pub. He came from a charmed life and his parents probably put the PR machine into full swing for him. He didn't make the cut though, while the girl who is working her butt off in T-town makes it! I just wish her the best! Candi Coleman is her name.


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