January 27, 2003

Another Monday...

Well, another weekend has come and gone and really just FLOWN by. Saturday we went to a basketball game and then out to dinner with Ravi and Chris. It was a laugh-filled event. Anytime I get together with Chris I laugh my ass off. I think that's all we did for 2 or 3 years when we lived together in college. I was the straight man and he was not. LOL...

Yesterday we went to Wauseon in the AM and met Maryellen's sister at the nursing home. Her dad was REALLY out of it. It's hard to even describe what it's like, but there is a different person in there, that's really the only way to describe it. He couldn't hold a thought, he'd start saying something and just stop and have to be "Restarted." He was pretty well drugged up for the pain of his metastatic cancer, but this was more than just dopey-sleepyness. He spoke of inappropriate things and mumbled and muttered to himself. It was very hard to see. Maryellen and Karen were amazing though. They seemed almost unphased...they've been dealing with his mental illness all their lives though.

So that pretty much did it for the weekend. My mom came over for some SuperBowl pregame and about the first half of the game I guess. Then it was time for bed. It seemed like the weekend lasted about, oh...6 hours maybe. I really need a vacation!! I'll have been at Savvy one year at the end of February and that's when I'll finally get some paid time!! It'll be nice to take a day here and there!

Blech...I just feel like blech. Exhausted...physically, mentally and emotionally.

Oh yeah...and as an addendum, now that I'm here at work. It's freaking COLD out!! -6oF here this AM. I drove all the way to work with my heater on full-blast and my windshield STILL never defrosted!


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